yer or the driver responsible for the accident would have to compensate for the losses. Anyway, people can’t die so unclearly, and the body can’t be cremated. If it is cremated, what will be done in the future? Talk.”

yer or the driver responsible for the accident would have to compensate for the losses. Anyway, people can’t die so unclearly, and the body can’t be cremated. If it is cremated, what will be done in the future? Talk.”
Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway, and there were so many details. If we couldn’t find a clue, wouldn’t it be very troublesome next time?
Han Bo nodded and said calmly: “After all, it is a human life. The feelings of relatives can be understood.” ”
It’s just because the person died that I was talking to them.”
Thinking about everything that happened today, Tian Guogang became angry and continued. : “Xia Tiezhu was reasonable and explained to Xia Tiesuo for us, helped us with our work, and told him what to do if he didn’t cremate it. Who would pay for the storage of the body, and who would pay for the sparks. It costs money to wait here. It’s so difficult to make money, so why not cremate it early? , take the ashes back for the funeral as soon as possible. He said that our police promised to investigate, and they will definitely investigate. If you don’t want to investigate, stay here and don’t go back, and we won’t help him investigate. That’s probably what he meant. As he said it, Xia Tiesuo’s The second son-in-law quarreled with him. Xia Tiezhu believed what his second son-in-law said and joined in the quarrel. The two brothers were at odds with each other. Xia Tiezhu was so angry that he went back first.”
“Xia Tiezhu must be very depressed when he helps like this.”
“It’s not about helping us, it’s about helping us. Helping his family, sometimes good people really can’t do it.”
Tian Guogang rubbed his face and said coldly: “As soon as Xia Tiezhu left, Xia Tiezhuo vented his anger on his eldest daughter and son-in-law, blaming them for signing blindly. Although the young couple has been working at home, they still have the same He was reasonable and left in anger. Xia Tiesuo was furious and went to the funeral parlor with his second son-in-law. He told the comrades of the funeral parlor that other people’s signatures did not count. He did not agree that the body was not allowed to be cremated. If he dared to cremate it, he would sue the funeral parlor.” “Does
Director Deng know? ”
“I know, I called and reported it, and Director Deng asked me to talk to them tomorrow and do the work.”
It can be imagined that if the speculation that Xia Zhantian deliberately caused work-related injuries to blackmail the employer was confirmed, Director Deng would never be like now Being so easy to talk to, Xia Tiesuo and his second son-in-law would probably be asked to toast him without having to drink wine as a fine.
No matter what, my son is dead, and no matter who it is, I want an explanation.
As for wanting financial compensation, that’s understandable.
Encountered such a thing. Han Bo didn’t know how to evaluate it.
/It was already dark when we arrived at Nanfeng Wood Co., Ltd., and when he saw the road sign in front of him, Han Bo finally understood why the investigation notice had no ef