y a treatment plan. People from the Tianji Palace also said that they would report to the Mingzong Palace to provide some rare elixirs to help him recover faster.

y a treatment plan. People from the Tianji Palace also said that they would report to the Mingzong Palace to provide some rare elixirs to help him recover faster.
Since Li Yongsheng is not needed, of course he does not need to be polite. Yes, King Qin has such a character.
Now that he could tolerate the old servant asking Li Yongsheng, he felt that he was already well-behaved.
Guanfeng Envoy also has a temper, and he really can’t stand this guy’s tricks. However, if the problem here cannot be fundamentally solved, it may bring big trouble to China.
Especially Zhao Xinxin was a little overly enthusiastic about these things, and Li Yongsheng didn’t want to come to Guanlong again and again – he could come to watch the wind in his spare time, but he didn’t need to put out fires.
So he patiently asked indifferently, “Do you think this is an attitude of asking for advice?”
Upon hearing this, King Qin shouted again, “Ignore him, beat him out!”
But the old servant turned his head. He came over and persuaded patiently, “My lord, your body is still weak and you cannot be angry. It is important to take care of yourself.”
King Qin snorted angrily and stopped talking. In fact, he just found a step to pretend to be deaf and dumb.
The old servant turned to Li Yongsheng again, “Why are you willing to tell me what you discovered?”
Li Yongsheng replied calmly, “Twenty spiritual stones, one hundred kilograms of spiritual grain, and ten thousand taels of gold!”
“Ha,” King Qin shouted angrily. After a sound, he was too lazy to talk to Li Yongsheng and looked directly at Zhenren Mo, “Zhenren Mo, would Tianji Palace allow such a young person to blackmail the prince like this?”
However, Zhenren Mo had a really bad impression of him, and since she came When Guan Long was doing things, he must have had a good understanding of Li Yongsheng, who was responsible for the trouble.
/So she snorted coldly, “If it is related to the life and death of His Highness King Qin, I don’t think the price is that high.”
King Qin also had a bad impression of her, so before she left, he deliberately said something about massacring the guards. To disgust her, he sneered when he heard this, “Oh, so he can still find things that even Tianji Palace can’t find?” If
this was said in the past, Mo Zhenren would definitely jump, but now how does she look at King Qin and why is she uncomfortable? , she snorted again, “Every inch is short and strong. There are so many strange people and strangers in the world. Even though Tianji Palace is powerful, it cannot cover them all.” It’s just that there is
no hero in the world who made Zhuzi famous. King Qin disdains it. The ground curled his lips.
But since this woman said so, it was inconvenient for him to provoke Li Yongsheng any more. He put away his disdain and said calmly, “Prince Qin’s palace doesn’t have much money, but it can’t be deceived by just anyone.”
The old servant had known it for a long time . He raised his hand to Li Yongsheng again, “If you really have discovered something, wh