just looked at me and said nothing. I didn’t say anything. I know him best. Once he shows such an expression, he has already thought of something, but he just doesn’t want to say it. A large part of the reason is that he has not found supporting evidence yet.

just looked at me and said nothing. I didn’t say anything. I know him best. Once he shows such an expression, he has already thought of something, but he just doesn’t want to say it. A large part of the reason is that he has not found supporting evidence yet.
/So I naturally asked him: “What is it?”
Zhang Ziang shook his head and said: “I can’t think of it.”
I was a little surprised by what he said, because it was not like his style, so I was also a little confused. He obviously thought of something, but he didn’t want to say it. He wanted to cover it up. Why?
And soon he changed the topic and asked me: “Have you read all the information I gave you?”
I nodded and said: “I read some, but I still feel very confused.”
Zhang Ziang said nothing. I know him very well. He likes to only speak half of his words and then stop talking, so he stops asking questions in the middle, which is in line with his character. What’s more, this is just a rhetoric he uses to change the subject. If he doesn’t continue, It’s also normal.
Then he stood up, walked to the window and looked around, as if he was looking at something. Then he turned around and asked me: “I have been to your house many times, but I never seem to see it.” Residents next door?”
The layout of my parents’ main house is one staircase with two houses, that is, there is another house next to me. This house is occupied and moved in before us, but it doesn’t seem to be at home very much. I heard Dad said that his daughter stayed there after studying in the United States, and the two elderly people may also have gone to the United States.
So I answered Zhang Ziang with this answer. Zhang Ziang said “Oh” as if he understood and said nothing, and then sat back on the sofa. I felt that Zhang Ziang was a little weird and different from his usual self. Although I I can’t say anything specific, but I can feel it.
So I kept observing him subconsciously, and found that he did seem a little more anxious than usual. Unlike the very calm person I knew, I watched him for a while and he didn’t seem to notice. If he was normal, he would have caught it a long time ago. With such a slight change in his gaze, although he won’t say it explicitly, he will look at you a few times, asking you his doubts with his eyes, and it also means that he has noticed that you are observing him.
So I finally said: “You are a little different today.”
My words seemed to bring Zhang Ziang back to reality. His somewhat divergent eyes suddenly focused on me, and in an instant he seemed to have turned back into the person I knew. But what happened to his strange expression just now? He asked me: “What did you say?”
It was obvious that he didn’t pay attention to what I was saying. I think it’s because I didn’t understand it clearly, rather than because I didn’t understand him. I know him too well, if he heard what he said. He won’t say anything again until he understands this sentence.
I said, “You seem a little different today. You look very anxious.”
Of course, I was thinking mor