ecially this long sword. If I guessed correctly, this long sword has strange properties that can seal the inside of my body. The flow of chi but only when the weapon touches or cuts me.

ecially this long sword. If I guessed correctly, this long sword has strange properties that can seal the inside of my body. The flow of chi but only when the weapon touches or cuts me.
Furthermore, the armor on his body was actually able to withstand the gourd fire. Just this sword and this suit of armor crush me!
“Keng!” What I didn’t expect was that the sword actually missed me. The tip of the sword penetrated the ground next to my head and made a loud noise. I was stunned at that time and looked at the sword without closing my eyes. Crossed in front of me.
/Could it be that this grandson wants to let me go? When I saw that the sword failed to hit me, I was stunned, and a strange idea came to my mind. Then, the samurai slowly released his hand and took a few steps back. At the same time, he drew his sword and stood some distance away from me. I was even more puzzled, why didn’t you kill me? Could it be similar to the sculptures in the Ashiya family pagoda? In fact, it is a doll responsible for guarding this temple. It does not kill people but drives away intruders? But that’s not right. I clearly felt his murderous intent in the previous fights, and at least I had an escape route in the Ashiya family’s pagoda. If I couldn’t defeat him, the puppets wouldn’t be chasing me if I returned the same way. But the exit here has been blocked, and I have no place to go out. So what does he mean?
“Are you a doll?” I asked. The other person didn’t speak or move while holding the long sword, but I could clearly feel that there was no trace of murderous intent in him. He seemed to be hoping to kill me while he was hesitating. .
“Is there something stopping him from killing me?” I had this thought in my mind, looked around, and then focused on the wooden box containing the broken sword.
Could it be because of the broken sword and the wooden box?
/Is it because of the broken sword? Such an idea popped into my mind. After I got up from the ground, I turned around and looked. The samurai didn’t react at all. Although he was on guard and had a murderous intention, he had no intention of continuing to take action. Now I was even more puzzled, what was it that stunned him.
I walked carefully to the wooden box. After opening it, I took a look inside and saw that Broken Sword looked very calm and showed no unusual behavior. He took out the broken sword and then looked at the warrior opposite. When I raised the broken sword, the warrior opposite didn’t react too strongly and looked very calm. Apparently it wasn’t the broken sword that made him hesitate. Could it be the wooden box containing the broken sword? When I looked back into the wooden box, I unexpectedly discovered something, something I had forgotten for a long time.
This object is the Qiankun Box!
Because the Qiankun Box is too mysterious and too valuable, I always carry it with me. But this thing is really not very useful. There is no use for it when it is kept around. It can neither be used as a weapon nor thrown out as a weapon to hit people. Moreover, th