knowledge, and those who have heard it also share the literature. If ordinary people want to know, in the end A good source of information is my brother in Jingcheng.

knowledge, and those who have heard it also share the literature. If ordinary people want to know, in the end A good source of information is my brother in Jingcheng.
True or false, stripped of its essence, it is actually just a non-green foot massage shop. The boss who claims to have a network of connections is basically unworthy of the publicity.
For example, for Zhao Song, his favor tonight fell on the introducer Chen Ning. As for the boss who got close to him, he didn’t pay attention to it at all. He spent it.
Before parting, a satisfied Yoshikawa Furuo asked: “Why don’t you order a technician?”
“I’m married.” Zhao Song’s answer was very bland.
“I’m also married,” Yoshikawa Furuo said disapprovingly. “It’s only natural for men to socialize. In my impression, Zhao Songjun is not such a conservative good man.”
“Not as beautiful as my wife, and not as interested.”
/“No matter how delicious the food is, there will be a day when you get tired of it.”
“Well, the main reason is that as soon as I come, everyone here will know about it, and I’m afraid they will poke holes in the condoms.”
Yoshikawa Fulang suddenly realized, deeply Bowed and said: “Thank you for imparting your valuable experience.”
Yoshikawa Furuo: “Tomorrow I will formally visit and put the relevant agreement on paper. I think only in this way will Zhao Songjun feel at ease and fully support us.”
Zhao Song : “Thank you.”
“Good night then.”
“See you tomorrow.”
Yoshikawa Furuo bowed again, got into the embassy car and left.
After dealing with his good friends from the island country, Zhao Song’s wonderful day did not end, because his wife knew that he did not go to the pedicure shop to get people.
“You are quite dashing~”
Returning to Zhao’s house in Laohewan, he saw the cold Bai Li.
However, Zhao Song knew that she was making excuses, and he didn’t do anything shameful, so Bai Li was not angry with him for sneaking away for a pedicure, but because of his tyranny. One of her uncles was about to leave the system.
But even if there is any unpleasantness, she is still his legal wife, not an enemy. What’s more, she is also the woman with the highest overall quality score that he has seen in his ‘two lifetimes’!
In the face of beauty and figure, what does emotion mean?
So Zhao Song leaned forward with a playful smile, moving his hands, feet and hips, taking advantage of the peerless beauty on the bed.
“I’m telling you something,” Bai Li pushed the man away impatiently and angrily said, “Tell me, can this matter be forgotten?”
/“How? That slap slapped not only Chairman Shenzhou, The president is still a senior official of the Shenzhou Party and a subordinate cadre directly under the Central State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. What will the leaders think and do after their subordinates suffer such humiliation?
If the Bai family is willing to confront those big leaders, the answer to your question is
forget it
! Are you still protecting the Bai family emotionally?”
“You can understand tha