Grudge” has been selling very well recently. Almost as soon as it was put out, it was snatched up by students. “Science Fiction World” is also the same. Look. Come on, I will order more of these two magazines next month.” The middle-aged man shook his head, looking puzzled.

Grudge” has been selling very well recently. Almost as soon as it was put out, it was snatched up by students. “Science Fiction World” is also the same. Look. Come on, I will order more of these two magazines next month.” The middle-aged man shook his head, looking puzzled.
Liang Jingquan, who didn’t buy “Grudge”, took another three-wheeler and went to other newsstands around the world to ask about it, but they all said it had been sold out.
/Liang Jingquan was completely shocked. At the same time, he also understood that unless he went to the county or city next door to buy them, he probably wouldn’t be able to buy the two magazines “Sprouting” and “Science Fiction World” in Sifang. As for who bought these magazines, it goes without saying that it must be the students of No. 4 Middle School who learned the news in advance, and maybe even students from their own school!
I was originally very curious about Guidouzi’s article. Now that I saw that the two magazines “Sprout” and “Science Fiction World” were out of stock because of Guidouzi’s article, Liang Jingquan’s heart was even more curious, like a cat’s paw! Go to the nearby county and city to buy these two magazines. Liang Jingquan is not an impulsive middle school student, and he cannot do such impulsive and embarrassing behavior. So, for him, the rest is to read those ghost articles. The only way is to go to the library where his wife Cheng Wenjin works.
However, Liang Jingquan hesitated when he thought of going to the library where Cheng Wenjin worked. He and Cheng Wenjin had been in a cold war until now because of Wang Bo, a bastard. They had not been able to get along for years. Now, if Cheng Wenjin discovers that he actually went to the library to read the articles of that ghost Douzi who he once ruined and despised so much, wouldn’t he be ridiculed to death by Cheng Wenjin? Where is his face as a man?
/“I can’t go. It’s such a shame. I definitely can’t go!” Liang Jingquan said to himself.
“Yes, a conspiracy! There is definitely a conspiracy! How can a ghost who was born in Nong Er Ge, who sells rotten rice noodles, write profound and meaningful essays? Do you know what an essay is?” Liang Jingquan tightened his grip. Fist, he glanced in the direction of the city library and walked over resolutely.
Without disturbing his wife, Liang Jingquan quietly came to the periodical reading room on the second floor of the city library. It is still the Spring Festival, and everyone is busy visiting relatives, eating, drinking and having fun. There are almost no people coming to the library for recreation. Liang Jingquan couldn’t help but be secretly happy, now no one would compete with him for magazines.
He quickly found the latest issue of “Sprout” from countless periodicals, and then asked the administrator to help him pick up the January issue of “Sprout” and the December issue of “Science Fiction World”. After thanking the other party, Liang Jingquan I found a seat by the window and started reading eagerly.
“How is it possible? This, how is this possi