d-slaying swords contain the essence of the human race, and are filled with the infinite resentment between heaven and earth. Once stabbed, they will be like maggots on the tarsal bones, attacking the ancient demon gods. The clan’s combat prowess has a huge impact.

d-slaying swords contain the essence of the human race, and are filled with the infinite resentment between heaven and earth. Once stabbed, they will be like maggots on the tarsal bones, attacking the ancient demon gods. The clan’s combat prowess has a huge impact.
On the other side, the ancient demon god clan also developed many equally vicious magical weapons.
The blood-transforming magic sword, the demon-slaying sword, the demon-slaying hunting bow!
It is also made from the essence of human race or demon race.
The two great overlords, the ancient demon god and the heavenly gods, were at war, and those who were harmed were their races.
/At this time, above the sky, seeing more and more powerful people of the ancient demon god clan being killed, the leader of the ancient demon god clan above the void also realized that this was not going to work.
Although the powerful men of the ancient demon god clan have an advantage in individual strength, their numbers are at a disadvantage.
There are too many monsters.
When it comes to reproduction advantages, the ancient demon clan is obviously not as good as the demon clan that can give birth to ten, hundreds, or even tens of thousands in one litter.
Moreover, there are also large formations such as the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation in Heaven that can cooperate to fully unleash the power of the demon clan.
There are many ants, and they may not be able to kill the high-level strong men of the ancient demon god clan.
However, combined with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation and the many strange Heavenly Demon Formations, it can truly make quantitative changes complete qualitative changes.
On this point, Emperor Jun of Heaven is worthy of his reputation as wise and calculating.
Eleven tall terrifying demon gods roared in unison at this time. Above their heads appeared a stream of divine flags that could block out the sky and the sun. Another terrifying demon god also appeared carrying a battle flag. In an instant, twelve banners appeared. The long flags gathered together, and twelve divine lights submerged into them, instantly transforming into a towering giant with its feet on the earth and the sky above its head.
He held a huge ax in his hand.
He was born suddenly, and the whole wild world was trembling, as if there were boundless auspicious clouds, and the splendor emerged, washing away the immeasurable calamity in the depths of the sky.
“Ancient Holy Pangutian!”
Looking at this scene, many powerful people in the world couldn’t stop looking at the sky at this moment.
At this moment, Zhang Jian felt that in the depths of the origin ocean of chaos, countless tyrannical Shinto powerhouses had formed a divine order that completely collapsed under a ray of light. Deep in the origin ocean of chaos, a vast divine light flowed out from it, carrying a supreme and noble light. , just like the atmosphere of the ancestor of the avenue.
It was a terrifying divine throne.
It is also the deepest hidden god in the ocean of chaos origin.
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