iled to fool the old steward and said: “No, people I prefer to buy things in the store. One day in the future, that situation may occur, but it will never happen in just ten or twenty years. Anya, how about our horse racing? Let’s see who reaches Secretary Dawson’s house first, from the side “Walking on the grass”

iled to fool the old steward and said: “No, people I prefer to buy things in the store. One day in the future, that situation may occur, but it will never happen in just ten or twenty years. Anya, how about our horse racing? Let’s see who reaches Secretary Dawson’s house first, from the side “Walking on the grass”
/is said to be a horse race, but in fact it is not very fast.
/Han Xuan could control the Arabian thoroughbred horse under his butt that was extremely happy at the moment, but he was afraid that Anya would have an accident.
These horses can easily cause accidents when they run wild, not to mention that Anya has not ridden a horse for a long time except for riding in the snow mountain pasture.
There are rows of villas on the roadside, all with an area of ??more than 500 square meters. The buildings are in the British Victorian style, with different shapes and colors. Some have European academic style, and some inherit the Tudor tradition of Gothic architecture. The subjects are all similar.
The garden at the entrance is also unique. Japanese garden art was born out of Chinese garden art, and has formed its own characteristics in the long process of development. Whether it is a graceful landscape pine tree or a tall and straight giant sequoia seedling, it can It can be seen that the developer put a lot of thought into the construction.
Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the sales process is not good. Rich people like to buy houses as vacation villas, but do not like to live on land belonging to the Japanese.
Americans in the 1980s generally had a kind of hatred towards the Japanese. After they got rich, they worked too high-profile in the United States and were full of nouveau riche style.
Later, with the economic crisis in Japan, Seventeen Mile Bay and Pebble Beach Golf Course in central California fell into the hands of Han Xuan. Because of his fame, he successfully turned the nearby area into a famous wealthy area.
Some of them were sold and some were given to company executives. Now only some dozens of houses that Han Xuan did not intend to sell and planned to give as gifts to his subordinates were still idle. The others had owners.
The male heads of some families are busy with work for a long time, and their families live here. Basic living facilities such as Xueshan Middle School branch, hospital, and small shopping mall have been built. Coupled with the wonderful natural living environment, it can satisfy the vast majority of local residents. need.
On the quiet street, a group of housewives were chatting, probably gossiping about someone’s latest news. When they saw Han Xuan, they greeted him. The policeman standing on the street also came over. He shouted loudly: “Han! My God Ah, I’ve been waiting for you to come over every day!”
Faced with such “gay” words, Han Xuan asked him, dumbfounded: “Why, are you having problems at work? You are the police of Monterey Town, right? , I don’t remember that there was a separate police station in Seventeen Mile Bay.”
“No, no, no!”