inary zombies! No need to go to the high platform! Just form a formation on the ground to fight!” Liu Ganpan observed on the iron ladder of the high platform, then jumped down and said to the other players.

inary zombies! No need to go to the high platform! Just form a formation on the ground to fight!” Liu Ganpan observed on the iron ladder of the high platform, then jumped down and said to the other players.
The nosebleeds of the players were almost gone. After hearing Liu Gan’s order, they quickly formed a formation and faced the rushing corpses with their own weapons. The number of zombies was probably around a hundred, but most of them were just ordinary zombies, with only five or six black-spotted zombies mixed in between. Although the formation was a bit scary, the overall attack power was not very good. Under the leadership of Liu Gan, a group of players quickly killed all the more than a hundred zombies like chopping melons and vegetables. .
/The zombies did not leave any bodies behind after they fell to the ground, but instead turned into bursts of black mist and dispersed in all directions.
“When a zombie dies, there is no body, so this is all just an illusion! The so-called test is just a bluff. There is no danger at all.” Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Tao became more convinced of his previous judgment.
“It’s definitely not that simple. Don’t jump to conclusions too early.” Jiang Jinyuan obviously did not agree with Qiu Tao’s point of view. After the weird things that happened just now, he now seemed a little confused and worried.
“Yes, the strength of this wave just now is not very good, but there will definitely be a second and third wave. Since it is a test of killing, the next few waves of zombies will definitely become stronger and stronger.” Zhao Meng also added a few words The sentence comes in.
“Whether all this is true or false, why are we standing here to fight? Mr. Liu, why don’t we all climb to the top of the highest platform? We are on top, and the zombies are below. There is only an iron ladder to go up. They want to climb up. It won’t be that easy to attack us.” Qiu Tao looked at the high platforms around him and gave Liu Gan some advice.
“Yes! We should stay on the high platform.” Other players also agreed with Qiu Tao’s opinion. Using the high platform as a barrier would make it much easier to deal with the zombie tide, and there would not be much danger.
“Standing on it, it is really not easy for zombies to attack us, but waves of zombies rush in, and finally the whole space is filled with a crowded zombie wave, and it is a mixed zombie army. How to kill at that time? How to get through this A killing test?” Liu Gan glared back at Qiu Tao.
“Yes! A chopstick is easy to break, but it is difficult to break a chopstick!” Jiang Jinyuan echoed Liu Gan.
“Master Liu is absolutely right! I didn’t think it over!” Qiu Tao’s expression of realization suddenly made the other players understand. Master Liu was right. You really can’t go to a high platform. Killing one after another is the right way. Otherwise, when all the zombies gather together, it will be difficult to kill them, and it will be almost impossible to pass the test by then.
There were still more than a hundred