living by writing letters and lawsuits. Even so, when he got the money, he would come to Linglong Building to find Huo Xiaoyu and stay shamelessly. Normally, everyone dislikes him, not because they don’t have money, but because they feel that he is too unworthy and still doesn’t repent for being in such a state because of a woman. In Linglong Tower, Huo Xiaoyu was the only one who wanted to see him. He often talked to people, saying that Li Lang was kind-hearted and sincere, and he would definitely have a great future in the future, which made everyone laugh.

living by writing letters and lawsuits. Even so, when he got the money, he would come to Linglong Building to find Huo Xiaoyu and stay shamelessly. Normally, everyone dislikes him, not because they don’t have money, but because they feel that he is too unworthy and still doesn’t repent for being in such a state because of a woman. In Linglong Tower, Huo Xiaoyu was the only one who wanted to see him. He often talked to people, saying that Li Lang was kind-hearted and sincere, and he would definitely have a great future in the future, which made everyone laugh.
However, today it was proved that what Huo Xiaoyu said was true. The two gods occupied Linglong Tower and wanted to take Huo Xiaoyu’s body by force. All the patrons who usually came and went knew about it, but no one dared to come forward. In the city of Jishi Mansion, the government officials are the biggest, but even the officials in the government will grovel when they see the young immortal gods, humbly take them to the most luxurious restaurant, and stand by as servants to serve them to eat and drink. The government officials are like this, let alone ordinary officials. The people, however, except one person.
Li Yi was stopped by the girls, and when he heard the sound of his shirt being torn in the room, he felt his head buzzing and his eyesight turned black. He stumbled and was about to fall, but he was held up by the old woman with quick eyesight and quick hands in an instant.
“Li Housheng, this is a fairy fate for Xiaoyu. If you really like her, don’t worry about it. When Xiaoyu’s fairy fate is over, I will make the decision and betroth her to you.”
The old lady persuaded her earnestly, saying I couldn’t help but shed tears.
“Immortal fate? Hahahaha, is this also called fairy fate?”
Li Yi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, pushed the crowd away resolutely, looked up to the sky and walked towards the wooden door with a big smile.
The son of a rich family for half his life lost a lot of money in one day. The beauties take pity on me, even the gods can’t stop me.
Li Yi was still half a step away from the wooden door. The wooden door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man wearing a high crown slowly walked out. He glanced at the crying girls with cold eyes, and then looked at Li Yi with disdain, his eyes were extremely contemptuous, as if he was looking at Like pigs and dogs. Li Yi didn’t care about anything else and stretched out his hand to push the man away and run into the house.
“Shitman, where do you want to go?”
The middle-aged man snorted coldly. He raised his arm out of thin air, grabbed Li Yi’s neck, and lifted him high.
/“You’re the one making a lot of noise outside? Humph, it’s really disappointing.”
It was difficult to breathe as his neck was strangled, and his face turned from red to purple. Li Yi struggled to turn around and look into the room. Her shirt was disheveled and her bun was unkempt. The bright woman held her arms and bit her red lips while looking at the man who had taken off his shirt, w