
He told Yuan Weiyang the true understanding of the Heavenly Dao Treasure Wheel he had obtained. Yuan Weiyang pondered for a moment and said: “Your technique seems to be somewhat different from the other side technique sent by Lord Xuhuang Dao.”
The fool Ah Fu didn’t study the details deeply, and he didn’t understand it as much as Yuan Weiyang. Although he saw that the writing on the green rock was related to the other side, he couldn’t understand the content of the writing for a while.
“Miss Yuan, is there something wrong?” Fool Ah Fu asked.
“These two techniques are different in the description of their realm.”
Yuan Weiyang frowned slightly and murmured, “So, which technique is the problem?”
There are two techniques, one is obtained from the Dragon Clan elders in the Celestial Realm, and the other is obtained from the Xuhuang Daojun from the other side. Both are obtained from the other side.
The descriptions of realms given by these two schools are actually not completely consistent.
The fool Afu couldn’t help but think of the story when he was in Mogasi. For Yuan Shou people, this kind of thing is commonplace and not surprising.
However, which of these two techniques is true and which is false?
Or are both techniques fake?
/Yuan Weiyang followed Xu Ying to practice and had a deep understanding of the philosophy from the other side. After Xu Ying left the Tiandao Ancestral Court, Yuan Weiyang has been studying the immortal realm skills recorded on the green rock.
She already has a deep understanding of this immortal realm technique.
However, she couldn’t tell which one was true or false.
“Since it is difficult to distinguish true from false, then if all the logical structures are replaced by Dao pattern structure or rune structure, wouldn’t it be necessary to distinguish true from false?” asked the fool Afu.
Yuan Weiyang thought about the feasibility of this method, his eyes lit up, and he praised: “Ah Fu, your insights have become more and more profound. If all the structures are replaced with rune structures, there may still be flaws in the technique, but the alien If we want to harvest, we must first replace our rune structure with a logical structure. If we can’t replace it, we won’t be able to harvest it. You are so smart.”
The fool Ah Fu smiled naively and said: “I just think about this problem using Xu Daozu’s thinking mode. If I were Xu Daozu, what would I do? Xu Daozu would definitely go in the opposite direction.”
Yuan Weiyang thought: “Maybe Ah Ying won’t think so much. However, Ah Fu thinks Ah Ying is smarter than him, which is a good thing.”
But after Yuan Weiyang had been in contact with Xu Ying for a long time, he discovered that although Xu Ying was extremely smart, he was sometimes ridiculously naive, always making childlike actions, and his childlike innocence was still intact.
If one day, the fool Ah Fu discovers that he is smarter than Xu Ying, then he will not be afraid of Xu Ying.
At that time, he will most likely become the most terrifying person.
At the Tia