Amidst the crashing sound of “Bang Bang Peng Peng…”, the two Chevrolets tried their best to protect it, and finally did not lose control and crashed but slowly stopped.

Amidst the crashing sound of “Bang Bang Peng Peng…”, the two Chevrolets tried their best to protect it, and finally did not lose control and crashed but slowly stopped.
/After successfully stopping the explorer. The Chevrolet SUV came to an emergency stop, and the door immediately opened, and out jumped several armed men holding long guns in both hands, wearing black body armor, wearing infrared night vision goggles on their faces, and bending slightly in a vigilant posture.
At the same time as the armed men jumped out of the car, a emaciated figure emerged from the window glass of the Explorer’s back seat, which was shattered by tear gas canisters, following the thick smoke.
The figure jumped lightly after landing, and then walked around to the side of the armed men who were attacking the ‘explorer’. Without any communication, he directly stepped forward and punched one of the armed men who responded, but his movements were not fast enough. The personnel’s chests were knocked flat.
Two ribs pierce deeply into the heart. No matter how strong the body is, it will die immediately, and the dead man naturally becomes a shield for the attacker.
After being pushed by the thin figure to block several shots and get close to his companion, a slender arm emerged from the armpit of the dead armed man and quickly touched the throat of the other gunman. All the vitality of that person was wiped out.
/In this way, the shield changed from one to two. With two shields, the attacker directly pushed the two dead men to the remaining two armed men on this side at the same time.
After that, he moved twice with dizzying movements, and then used a chopping palm and a swinging punch to slaughter the four armed men on one side.
“Hell, he’s not using superpowers, but it seems like he’s really using Chinese ‘kung fu’!
I hope your people can still be saved. “I saw with my own eyes that Zhang Lisheng, who had jumped out of the car, killed four FBI agents in just four or five seconds. But apart from his strong strength, fast movements, and vicious martial arts skills, there was nothing unusual about it. Cassandra said in surprise. .
“Everyone reveals their identity, everyone shows their identity…” As the commander of this adventure, Lewis certainly could not be as calm as his companions with special identities. He shouted loudly through the intercom, but at this time everything was over. After killing
four armed men who suddenly attacked him, Zhang Lisheng repeated his old trick by picking up a corpse wearing a body armor as a shield, and killed them all before the agents revealed their identities.
Lewis said on the call The phrase ‘Everyone reveals their identity’ actually became a reminder to the boy.
After the killing, Zhang Lisheng thought for a while, and suddenly rushed back to the ‘Explorer’ very quickly, where Lewis and Cassandra were sitting. Before the black minivan arrived, it accelerated towards New York City.
The outskirts of New York were not desert dunes like those outside Las Vegas. Even though it was