Everyone showed up one after another and ran away without thinking. The huge size and terrifying power of the two monsters left them without the courage to resist. More than ten people spread out at once, and the two steel tyrants were obviously at a loss, not knowing who to chase. Until an angry voice sounded in their minds, “Kill them all!” The two steel tyrants roared, and no matter who it was, they found a target and chased after them.

Everyone showed up one after another and ran away without thinking. The huge size and terrifying power of the two monsters left them without the courage to resist. More than ten people spread out at once, and the two steel tyrants were obviously at a loss, not knowing who to chase. Until an angry voice sounded in their minds, “Kill them all!” The two steel tyrants roared, and no matter who it was, they found a target and chased after them.
On a helicopter. Dr. Isaacs asked Yin Kuang, “Excuse me. How did you get the G virus? Also, Raccoon City has been destroyed by a nuclear strike, how did you survive?” Yin Kuang said: “According to the At your request, I went to destroy the natural gas company. I accidentally discovered a secret passage and obtained the G virus from a dead researcher. As for how I left Raccoon City, this is my secret.” The doctor shrugged, obviously a little bit Dissatisfied, he said: “Then didn’t you know that it was the G virus?” “Yes. The researcher who committed suicide had a diary in his hand. It was all recorded in it.” The doctor said: “This damn guy! So even if there is Nuclear strike, I still want you to destroy that laboratory. To be honest, some people in the company have long suspected that I have re-researched the G virus. Those guys are full of shit!”
/Yin Kuang smiled.
/At this time, the plane stopped. Apparently the destination has been reached. Yin Kuang and the doctor got off the plane together. Yin Kuang simply ignored the zombies around the cabin. But he was obviously very curious about the body of “Alice” in the pothole. The doctor said: “These are all failed works.” Yin Kuang asked naturally: “Are these all clones? Where is Alice’s original body?” The doctor said regretfully: “I also want to know. But it’s not so urgent now.”
Yin Kuang said: “You know, doctor, I do hope to get the perfect G virus. I am also a person who pursues perfection. But you have to promise me that you will not give me a Come and get some ‘brothers.'” The doctor laughed “haha” and said: “You are so funny. But I can guarantee that the clone will never be compared with the original. Please!”
In Isaacs’s warm greeting, Yin Kuang followed him We got on the elevator together and descended to the underground base.
“Zizz, please help me! Please help me! We need emergency rescue here! Please, no matter who it is, please save us. We are KLKB here.” Repeat, we are KLKB here. God bless you!”
A BMW motorcycle parked outside a motel with “KLKB” written on it. A man wrapped in yellow sand-colored clothes turned off the roaring engine, turned on the wireless radio, and then got off the motorcycle. When the goggles were taken off and the sand-proof scarf was taken off, Zhang Ying’s pretty face was revealed, full of vitality and a hint of charm. Just then, a gust of wind and sand blew by, throwing her sand-proof scarf aside, making a hunting sound.
This person is really the protagonist of the Resident Evil series of movies. Alice is the only one among millions of people who can adapt to the T virus and get