ong the way, he changed his serious expression and asked the indigenous boy in a friendly manner about the equipment needed to hatch the ‘egg’ of the giant spider.

ong the way, he changed his serious expression and asked the indigenous boy in a friendly manner about the equipment needed to hatch the ‘egg’ of the giant spider.
“If there are no adult insects, the hatching eggs will require a stone pot underneath that will continuously add firewood for ten days. I have to see the thickness of the stone pot before I can use it. After lighting the fire, I also have to add firewood myself.
In addition to the hot stone pot, there are mountain spring water and fresh beast blood. Remember, the beasts that take blood must be more ferocious, the better…” In the nagging voice of Wakuku’s explanation, the insect cart floated around in the jungle and returned to Tudenan Valley.
/“Aggressor, is everything going well?” After the witch insect leaned down in the middle of the valley, Tugra, who had been waiting aside, arched his body and asked uncontrollably with nervousness.
“It’s going well. The eggs of the giant spider have been obtained.” Zhang Lisheng jumped out of the insect cart and looked back at the leader of the Tudenan warriors who was carefully climbing down the back of the witch insect. “Tumu, you take the worm with you.” Kuku will find a way to hatch these ‘eggs’.”
“As you command, attacker.” Upon hearing these gentle instructions, Tu Mu impatiently turned around and strode away with Wakuku, while Zhang Lisheng looked at Looking at the leader of ‘Tudenan’ with shining eyes and clenched fists next to him, “Tugra, the so-called warrior ‘partners’ are domesticated monsters for tribal warriors to ride, right?”, and walked towards the room where the ‘tugra’ was enshrined Denam’s Bark House.
“Yes, attacker.” Tugla, immersed in surprise, replied.
“Is that just…” Zhang Lisheng was about to ask another question, but suddenly, the dazzling milky-white brilliance of the sun above his head choked his words.
“Tugela, what’s going on?” Zhang Lisheng asked in astonishment as he raised his head under the arbor and looked up at the golden and silver sun.
“Aggressor, the ‘Dew of Wisdom’ is going to fall tonight.” Tugra replied in a drunken voice as the sun looked up at the sky.
“As expected, then I have to leave.” After hearing this answer, relying on the exhausted ’01 blending reagent’ and raid tactics, in just three or four days, the expansion managed by the native tribe who believed in themselves was Zhang Lisheng, who had watched two or three times, thought for a moment and walked into the bark house.
“Attacker, are you leaving now?” the leader of ‘Tudenan’ came to his senses and asked following Zhang Lisheng’s footsteps.
“It’s not just that, attackers.
I’ve never seen a ‘companion tribe’ before, and there’s no chance of them coming to this remote island. But according to legend, when a tribe becomes a ‘companion’, even the women and children, There will also be ‘partners’ with different purposes. There are different ‘partners’ for felling wood to build houses, collecting wild fruits, and collecting water and digging springs.” Tugla tried his best to explain.