ose his virginity. He often used his upper body to think about problems, but He usually thinks about the lower body. Of course Wen Liang would not be like him, but in the face of such a strong impact, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his body and embarrass each other.

ose his virginity. He often used his upper body to think about problems, but He usually thinks about the lower body. Of course Wen Liang would not be like him, but in the face of such a strong impact, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his body and embarrass each other.
Si Yajing is not only a young woman, but also his teacher!
Hearing Wen Liang’s cry, Si Yajing woke up suddenly. She raised her body with both hands and moved, but was hugged tightly by Wen Liang. She said angrily, “Why don’t you take your hands away?”
Wen Liang immediately withdrew his hands, and Si Yajing He managed to get up and tidied up his somewhat messy clothes with a red face. Wen Liang was extremely smart and knew how to make everyone forget the scene just now. He joked: “Teacher Si, I don’t think you are bad at sports, but you chose the wrong event. You shouldn’t practice climbing. You should practice diving.”
Si Yajing understood that it was just a coincidence, but she still glared at Wen Liang and said, “Then you shouldn’t be practicing baseball. You must be sure to catch the ball accurately.”
Recalling the explanation of first, second and third base in later generations, Wen Liang did not answer, but looked up at the wall and said, “What should we do now? Plan A failed!”
Si Yajing was still frightened and said, “I think it’s better to forget it. , I definitely can’t get over it, it’s too dangerous. If it hadn’t been for you just now, I’m not sure what would have happened.”
Ren Yi giggled on the side, Wen Liang became naughty, picked up his math homework book, and wrote on a piece of white paper There were five words: “鸫髽, 鬴鈥,鸧鸹,釲卼,娭鯑”. Then he wrote “idiot” in the middle of these words. He tapped his fingers on the paper and said, “Brother Ren, a great talent, come and see.” How many of these characters do you recognize, and how do you pronounce them?”
/Wen Liang thought for a while and said, “We’ve come here, we can’t give up halfway. Try this again.”
He tried a few more times. Wen Liang finally understood that Si Yajing’s athletic ability was completely inversely proportional to her figure and appearance, and said helplessly: “Okay, it seems that we can only use the last resort.”
Si Yajing asked in surprise: “What else can you do?”
“Have you read any martial arts books that say that the top swordsmen all have a life-saving trick that can beat the bottom of the box?”
Wen Liang knelt down, pressed his hands against the wall, and said: ” First step on the thigh, then step on the shoulder, and I will send you up.”
/Si Yajing was not willing to do this, and said: “No, what if I hurt you? Well, the meeting is not important. If you don’t go, I won’t go. The worst I can do is get criticized by the principal.”
The radio gymnastics had reached the last section, Wen Liang urged: “Come up quickly, it doesn’t matter, you won’t hurt me if you touch me so lightly, don’t leave any marks.”
Si Yajing gritted her teeth and took off her shoes. Throwing it over the wall, he carefully spread his legs an