back against the bedside, she put her mobile phone on the bedside table, grabbed a “missing tooth” puppet that had been with her for many years beside the pillow, and kept tapping the puppet’s head with her hands. While beating, she said angrily to herself:

back against the bedside, she put her mobile phone on the bedside table, grabbed a “missing tooth” puppet that had been with her for many years beside the pillow, and kept tapping the puppet’s head with her hands. While beating, she said angrily to herself:
/“I want you to superfluous! Who wants you to superfluous?”
Using the puppet to express her sullenness, Zheng Yan touched her cheeks with both hands and found that her face was hot. Very, like sitting by the stove and being roasted by the fire for half an hour. She was startled, jumped out of bed quickly, walked to the mirror inlaid on the closet door and stood in front of it. In the spotless mirror, a picture of a beautiful woman appeared, but her face was red and swollen, as if she had applied half a box of blush. Pretty face. The girl winked at the pretty face in the mirror, bared her teeth, and made a few grimaces that she would never do in front of outsiders, even in front of her own parents. Suddenly, the originally dignified and elegant beautiful face no longer existed and was completely destroyed.
However, although the grimace is strange, there is a playful beauty beyond dignity and elegance.
Zheng Yan stood in front of the mirror in the closet for a while, worried that her parents would find out something was wrong with her, so she went to the bathroom to wash her face. She was wiping water with a towel when she saw Bi Xinxue wearing an apron walking in.
“Didn’t you wash your face? Why are you washing your face again?” Bi Xinxue asked curiously. She closed the door and walked towards the urinal, wanting to relieve herself.
“It’s a bit hot.” Zheng Yan replied.
“Why don’t you turn on the air conditioner when it’s a little hot? It’s not like there’s no air conditioner in the house.”
“Why don’t I save electricity?” Zheng Yan rolled her eyes at her mother, put her face towel on the towel bar, and got ready to go out. Although they were a mother and daughter, her mother wanted to go to the toilet and she was too embarrassed to stay there.
Seeing that her daughter was about to go out, Bi Xinxue reminded: “By the way, Yanzi, have you called Mr. Wang? You’d better call and ask where they are? We might as well go down and pick them up.” ”
/Oh! Morning! I just asked, he has already set off. That’s a long way to go, how many times do I have to ask?” Zheng Yan answered impatiently, and hurried out without saying anything.
“This ghost girl, are you worried about eating gunpowder today?” Bi Xinxue shook her head, untied her belt, and squatted down.
Zheng Yan, who returned to her boudoir, began to check her bedroom again, whether the floor was mopped clean, whether the dust on the furniture was wiped clean, and whether the small decorations and pendants in the room were neatly arranged. some type of. It’s actually very clean and tidy. Last night, when she told her parents that Wang Bo would be a guest at home today, their whole family got together and worked hard for several hours to carefully decorate all the places in the house, inside and out.