tion of copying it – as a Jiaoyu, he really couldn’t make such a bad thing. The thing is, you can’t even see anyone when you go out.

tion of copying it – as a Jiaoyu, he really couldn’t make such a bad thing. The thing is, you can’t even see anyone when you go out.
“It’s bicycle technology,” Li Yongsheng nodded. None of the people here were outsiders. The biggest outsider, Zhang Xiaohong, was gone, so he could say it directly, “They don’t want me to give my bicycle technology to the Ministry of Industry and Construction.”
“What does this mean? “Song Jiayuan asked in astonishment, “Since it is a useful technology, why do you give it to others? Can’t it be sold?” ”
I’m confused too. I never said I would give the technology to the Ministry of Industry and Construction.” Li Yongsheng shook his head dumbfounded. He didn’t care about money, but We can’t let people take away technology casually.
Zhang Yan rolled his eyes, “Does the inner court want you to donate your bicycle skills?”
Li Yongsheng shook his head slowly. Everyone saw this and just breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, this guy said, “I refuse.”
” These arrogant people,” Shen Jiaoyu snorted coldly, defending Li Yongsheng. “When they see something good, they open their mouths and ask for it. They only know how to flatter the superiors and bully the subordinates.” ”
Xiao Shen, you drank too much,” Zhang Yan snorted coldly. , stopped him from continuing to fire, and then looked at Li Yongsheng, “What did he say after you refused?” ”
He said he knew what I wanted and would report it,” Li Yongsheng replied with a smile, “This person is still very polite to me. ”
That’s good,” Zhang Yan nodded with a smile, “If they really want to force the conquest, just leave it to the monastery. Chaoyang still has this kind of backbone.”
The inner court has a special and powerful position. The three houses and six ministries are not willing to provoke it. In many cases, the cabinet even wants to give face to the inner court. But Chaoyang Daxiu Hall alone is not afraid of the inner court – there are many students in the ivory tower. There is a passion for it.
Once the seminarians determine that the inner court has done something wrong, they will definitely become furious.
The people in the inner court also know the spirit of these rascals, and generally won’t provoke them.
“Thank you, Mr. Zhang.” Li Yongsheng stood up and saluted respectfully. He was not too worried about the threat from the inner court, but Zhang Yan’s attitude as a guard fellow was worthy of his salute. This is the ethos he wants to promote.
Song Jiayuan looked at it with a toothache, but he really couldn’t give Li Yongsheng any guarantee like Zhang Yan.
First of all, the Bo Monastery is too far away, and if you want to support it, you can’t reach it – the seminarians protested in Qihuan City against the imperial plunder, and it is estimated that the news has not spread beyond Boling County, right?
/The second thing is, whether he admits it or not, Chaoyang Daxiu Hall is not even a little bit better than Bo Ben. If the seminarians of Bo Ben are marching in protest, Gao Taogao, the boss of the County Educatio