, in the hands of a master, they could really kill me! The palm opened again, and blood and fire surrounded it. The three silver needles suddenly hovered, avoiding contact with the blood and fire again. Wu Jun’s Sanren control skills are excellent, and his fighting consciousness is clear. Just to avoid a direct confrontation with me. Three silver needles are waiting for the opportunity to move, looking for my flaws, and then they will suddenly kill me!

, in the hands of a master, they could really kill me! The palm opened again, and blood and fire surrounded it. The three silver needles suddenly hovered, avoiding contact with the blood and fire again. Wu Jun’s Sanren control skills are excellent, and his fighting consciousness is clear. Just to avoid a direct confrontation with me. Three silver needles are waiting for the opportunity to move, looking for my flaws, and then they will suddenly kill me!
/“Damn it, you can dodge the silver needle. I want to see if you can dodge it yourself!” I turned to attack Wujun Sanren himself, and the blood and fire separated into two branches, left and right, burning towards Wujun Sanren. past. But as the blood and fire approached, Wujun Sanren did not move at all. Although his eyes were open, he seemed to turn a deaf ear to the blood and fire burning in front of him. The moment the blood and fire approached his feet, he suddenly stopped! Burning on the ground at his feet, but just an inch or two away. But it just can’t be burned.
“What’s going on?” Many people looked surprised when they saw this scene.
“Look, there seems to be something strange over there at Ba Xiaoshan.” After shouting this sentence, everyone turned their attention to me, but they saw that my body was stiff at this time, my raised hand was frozen in mid-air, and I looked out The breath released was obviously not smooth. I frowned and said, “What’s going on?”
No one outside could see it, but at this time, there was a silver needle inserted into my back spine. A silver needle that I hadn’t seen before.
Rain Butterfly followed the two people. As he looked, he seemed to be getting further and further away from the construction site, so he said suspiciously: “I still have something to do, so I don’t think I’ll bother you anymore.”
The person in front didn’t answer, but walked to a black car. He opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.
“Let me in?” Yudie asked strangely. Seeing the other party nodding, she walked over with some worry and got into the car. When she looked up, she was stunned. The person sitting in the car was actually someone she knew. She had dealt with her a few years ago. Have business dealings.
“Master Jin.” Yudie whispered. Yes, the person sitting in the car was Fatty Jin who returned to Beijing after finally escaping death in Yangding Mountain. Fatty Jin delayed his trip because of the incident in Yangding Mountain. We had already set off after returning to Beijing, so He was naturally included in the elimination list. However, as soon as he returned, he was immediately called to meet by Mr. Sha. Under the coercion of Mr. Sha, Fatty Jin promised to betray Deputy Director Xia on the surface, but he actually had his own little plan in mind. It wasn’t until news of what had happened outside Sihai Monster Mountain came back that Fatty Jin gave up completely when he learned that Deputy Director Xia had been killed and the situation was over. Follow Sha Lao. Now that I know that he has been arranged to come to Shanghai to take