nyway, his family is very rich now and lives all over the country. He has a house and a good car. He seems to be very handsome. He is much better than you. He is good at romance and giving gifts. What about you? Girl, I just want to run around all day long. Now that girl has run away with someone else, aren’t you happy?” I was beaten to the ground by Nagisa, which made me feel unhappy. I waved my hands and shouted: ” Nonsense, I’ll go up first and take you away in the evening. I’ll take you to my place so that I can figure out what’s going to happen next. I also need to ask you about Yaoshan.”

nyway, his family is very rich now and lives all over the country. He has a house and a good car. He seems to be very handsome. He is much better than you. He is good at romance and giving gifts. What about you? Girl, I just want to run around all day long. Now that girl has run away with someone else, aren’t you happy?” I was beaten to the ground by Nagisa, which made me feel unhappy. I waved my hands and shouted: ” Nonsense, I’ll go up first and take you away in the evening. I’ll take you to my place so that I can figure out what’s going to happen next. I also need to ask you about Yaoshan.”
“When are you going to ask me? You have become so polite.” Nagisa shouted at me, and I had already opened the basement door and walked out. Going up the steps to the ground, I heard bursts of laughter coming from the living room. I glanced inside through the window and saw Shen Mengtian sitting in the middle. In a trance, I seemed to see the shadow of the girl back then. However, more than ten years have passed and some things have changed.
/I wanted to leave through the side door, but within a few steps I saw the housekeeper at the front door slowly opening the door. A black car drove in from the gate and parked directly into the garage.
After a while, a tall, thin, handsome man in a black suit walked out of the garage. He had black hair and a slicked back. He was about the same age as me, but he exuded a strong British style. He was about 1.85 meters tall. His height and seemingly mixed-race appearance remind me of Keanu Reeves, who has been very popular in China since 2000, the guy who starred in “Speed” and “The Matrix”. When “Speed” was first introduced to China, it was a sensation. Keanu Reeves, a short-haired, capable man of Asian descent, became the target of almost everyone’s pursuit. After I returned to Shanghai this time, I watched the VCD of “The Matrix” that Fatty got, and I was still shocked and speechless.
/The man in front of him is very similar to Keanu Reeves. Strictly speaking, he has more charm of a mature man than Keanu Reeves and less handsomeness of a young boy.
But in comparison, I, who wears a shabby jacket and carries a wooden box on my back all day long, and wanders into the mountains and forests at every turn, pales in comparison.
He seemed to have seen me from a distance, and was slightly surprised. Then he nodded politely to me and walked towards me.
I couldn’t avoid it even if I wanted to, so when he walked up to me, I asked politely,”Are you Shen Mengtian’s friend?”
I nodded and said, “Yes, we met in the past.”
“Oh,” he smiled and glanced. He glanced at me, and this look made me feel something was wrong. For a highly educated gentleman, it is very rude to look people up and down at close range. There are generally two reasons for doing this. One is to treat people who appear in your home. Stay vigilant, the other is to look down on people.
“I’m just about to leave, so I’ll say goodbye first.” Although I felt a little unhappy being looked at like this. But he didn’t have any atta