Wenjin was Liang Ya’s mother, Wang Bo was stunned. He even stopped washing little Wang Bo’s hand with soap:

Wenjin was Liang Ya’s mother, Wang Bo was stunned. He even stopped washing little Wang Bo’s hand with soap:
“Damn it! Wang Bo, oh, Wang Bo, Cheng Wenjin is Xiao Ya’s mother. What are you doing all day long? What are you thinking? How can you think like that?”
But another voice jumped up angrily and retorted: “Humph! It’s true that Cheng Wenjin is Xiaoya’s mother, but she is also Liang Jingquan’s wife! Liang Jingquan is already beating his own woman You have an idea, why don’t you allow yourself to have sex with his mother-in-law? You won’t lose a piece of meat!” ”
But your idea is extremely dangerous and immoral, and I’m sorry for Xiaoya!” ”
Just thinking about it, I won’t take any action, and no one else will know except me, so why can’t it work?”
“If it doesn’t work, it won’t work! Illegal thoughts are worse than unruly actions, and they are even more unforgivable!”
“This is the Dharma/ Si/Si! Thoughts are innocent! Unrestricted thoughts are the source of human progress!”
“What a source of hair! It’s almost a fountain of lust!”
/“Ah, no?” Liang Ya opened her mouth and said He looked like he couldn’t believe it, and soon became a little angry, and said loudly, “Stinky guy, I won’t rush you anymore. You can wash it for as long as you want, and don’t come out until it’s completely washed. Huh, stinky guy, it’s really… You’re a real stinker!”
“Okay, okay! I will wash myself from top to bottom, inside and out, to be as white and spotless as a new-born baby. I will let my dear wife inspect it carefully when the time comes.” The self-blame and quibbling in Wang Bo’s mind were interrupted by the girl’s words, and his mind was brought back to reality again, so he began to rub up and down again, left and right.
“Go! Who cares about inspecting your body?” Liang Ya blushed and felt her face was burning. Worried that Wang Bo would say another dirty word, she stamped her feet and left.
Ten minutes later, a brand new Wang Bo finally walked out of the bathroom. Liang Ya, who was sitting in the living room waiting for him, immediately took out a dry towel and wiped his hair. Seeing his girlfriend carefully wiping his hair and the water stains on his face, Wang Bo felt even more guilty for his random thoughts in the bathroom just now. Wang Bo took the girl in front of him into his arms, hugged her tightly, and said emotionally:
“Xiaoya, I love you. I really love you.”
Thank you very much for the 1,000 starting coins from “Furious Desire” brother. !
We would also like to thank the six brothers and sisters of Might and Magic Wog, Waiting for Nature, Book Friends 160413110624028, Pearl River People, Yellow Pages, and Wolf Dance in the Wind for their generous donations!
Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted and voted
. Thunder was rolling outside the window, the rain was pouring, the sky and the earth were dark, and an occasional bright light flashed, briefly illuminating the doomsday-like scene. After the light passed, the whole world returned to darkness, leaving only the dar