still a little embarrassed to be naked and facing each other, standing under the same shower head. After dilly-dallying for a long time, he finally agreed to Wang Bo’s time-saving method.

still a little embarrassed to be naked and facing each other, standing under the same shower head. After dilly-dallying for a long time, he finally agreed to Wang Bo’s time-saving method.
One person took a T-shirt from Wang Bo, and the two women went into the bathroom to take a shower. Wang Bo opened the closet door, threw the underwear, shorts, white vest that he wanted to change later, and the thin blanket for sleeping on the sofa, and turned off the light in the small living room, leaving only the bedside table in the next bedroom. He turned on the desk lamp on one side and then returned to the sofa in the living room to sit down.
Diagonally opposite the sofa is the bathroom. At this time, the sound of two women laughing and joking was heard. The bathroom door is made of aluminum alloy with tempered frosted glass, from which a faint yellow light shines. In the eyes of Wang Bo before, this light seemed ordinary, but at this moment, it exuded a magic-like charm, making Wang Bo feel an urge to open the door and look for the light source.
“Swiss, swiss, swish” finally sounded like raindrops falling to the ground, followed by several more random slaps, mixed with Zhong Jiahui’s scream as if she was being attacked, and then Liang Ya’s scream also sounded, and soon the two All human voices disappeared, leaving only the rustle of shower water. A few minutes later, the missing voice sounded again, but this time it became faint and vague, like a song floating in the slanting wind and drizzle.
Wang Bo sat calmly on the sofa and looked at the glass door of the bathroom in front of him. The situation began to change in my mind, and the image of two girls standing naked in the shower was constantly coming out. Two girls, one is slender and slender, but slightly thin. . . .
The other one is a few centimeters shorter, and although not as slender, it is more graceful, with a curved front and back, forming a perfect S-shape that makes people’s blood flow.
/“What will happen if I rush in regardless of now?” Wang Bo thought in his heart. He soon felt his body was getting hot and he couldn’t stand it. He looked down and saw that a tall tent had been set up between his legs. .
Wang Bo shook his head, getting rid of the chaotic images in his mind, walked into the kitchen, took a can of ice-cold oranges, and drank most of the bottle, Yu Huo Fenshen’s body calmed down to some extent. .
After I calmed down, I felt sticky and uncomfortable. When he touched it with his backhand, he found that his back was covered in sweat, and the entire T-shirt on the back was almost completely wet.
I would like to express my solemn thanks to brother “Miaojiu” for the generous reward totaling 10,000 starting coins!
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much to “Elder, Mortal Guest” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
/Thank you very much to my brother “No More Floating” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
Thank you very much to “Artai~~” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
Thanks to brother “Longi