ng chat. She will arrange the airport pick-up and temporary accommodation for me and Youyou. Don’t worry about it.” Cheng Wenjin saw that Wang Bo kept saying She said that at first, she listened quietly. Later, she saw that the other party kept repeating, and even the order of speech was somewhat lost. She immediately understood that the boy in front of her was not only worried about her and Fang You’s separation, but also worried. Most of it is actually a deep sense of reluctance. Cheng Wenjin’s mind was also tumbling, and countless reluctances surged out for a while. She was afraid that she would show it on the spot, so she interrupted Wang Bo’s monk-like chanting.

ng chat. She will arrange the airport pick-up and temporary accommodation for me and Youyou. Don’t worry about it.” Cheng Wenjin saw that Wang Bo kept saying She said that at first, she listened quietly. Later, she saw that the other party kept repeating, and even the order of speech was somewhat lost. She immediately understood that the boy in front of her was not only worried about her and Fang You’s separation, but also worried. Most of it is actually a deep sense of reluctance. Cheng Wenjin’s mind was also tumbling, and countless reluctances surged out for a while. She was afraid that she would show it on the spot, so she interrupted Wang Bo’s monk-like chanting.
“That’s good. But, sister, you’d better buy a house as soon as you get there. The Juilliard School is only two blocks away from Central Park. When you get there, let the real estate agent show you around Central Park. Go around, look around, and if it suits you, buy an apartment overlooking Central Park. The money from my stock sales will come out after May Day, and it will go to an overseas U.S. dollar account. At that time, I will first transfer two million U.S. dollars to You.” Cheng Wenjin went with Fang You this time, and it was not convenient to live on campus or rent a house. Wang Bo planned to buy a house in New York, which would not only solve their final accommodation problem, but also be the beginning of his global real estate purchase. .
“Well, I’ll pay attention to it.”
“Then there are cars. The United States is a country that lives on wheels. Without cars, there is nothing to do. When you get there, just buy a car. Cars there are cheaper, at least cheaper than in China. There are too many.” Wang Bo said again.
“I know. Youyou and I will buy a transportation tool.” Cheng Wenjin said.
“Also, whether you are walking on the road or driving, don’t talk to strangers, especially black people. Once you get in the car, lock the doors and windows, and make it a habit like locking your seat belt. Anyone knocks on your door for no reason. Except for the police, no one needs to pay attention to car windows. Many robberies and crimes take advantage of people’s sympathy. You two must pay attention to this and never take it lightly. In short, it is better to have more trouble than less trouble. At most, call 911. , Stop being such a bad person. The American people don’t need you to save them.”
The moment of departure finally came, and Wang Bo also ended his endless instructions.
When he was about to go through the security check, Fang You finally couldn’t help the impulse in his heart, turned around and rushed to Wang Bo, hugged him, and said emotionally in his ear:
“I’m leaving, Zian! But, I really can’t bear to leave.” You! You have to call me once a week and send me a text message every day.”
“Yes! I will, Yoyo. In less than a week, I will call you every day. This summer vacation, I I just want to find a way to come to the United States to see you and Sister Wenjin.” Wang Bo didn’t expect Fang You to do such an amazing m