g lady, do you think you and I are the same as me? You don’t need to tell us. We all know this.” Yao Shuqin glared at Tian Xin. At first glance, I felt a little strange that she was not big or small.

g lady, do you think you and I are the same as me? You don’t need to tell us. We all know this.” Yao Shuqin glared at Tian Xin. At first glance, I felt a little strange that she was not big or small.
“Hehe, Mom, are you worried about my dowry now?” Tian Xin thought about her mother’s contradictory and entangled expression when she gave her the bankbook a few days ago, wanting to take it but not wanting to take it. Live and start joking.
“Worried? Why aren’t I worried? No matter how much money someone makes, it still belongs to them. Although your dowry is not much, it was saved by me and you, old man, frugally. As long as it doesn’t cover your head, I will I will always worry.” Yao Shuqin said with a straight face and angrily.
Tian Xin was deeply touched by Yao Shuqin’s words, and she subconsciously glanced at Wang Bo, only to see that the guy was completely distracted from his duties. He was doing two things at once. While ordering meals for the guests, he kept looking at her, which made Tian Xin I was very worried that this guy might miscalculate the customer’s account and give the customer ten yuan as one piece.
“Mom, Dad, you sit here, Ha’er. I’ll wait for Ha’er to come over to accompany you.” Tian Xin was worried about Wang Bo, stood up, and said to Tian Guizhong and Yao Shuqin.
“You are busy doing whatever you have to do. We are such big people, who wants you to accompany us?” Tian Guizhong said.
Yao Shuqin also nodded and said: “Xinxin, you have been with us for so long. Hurry up and replace Xiao Wang. I am the host today and I am very busy. Don’t be ignorant.”
The following thanks are not included. There is a fee for entry:
Thanks to “Xiaobao” for the big red envelope, the blind man can take his baby to eat two KFC meals:
/Thanks to brother “Magic Magic 77” for the generous reward of 1888 starting coins.
and thanks to Chenfan, book friend 151120213606873 , strange, lvvv, waiting for nature, hot love, social security 1370138, flying fish in the sky, the vest of the devil with wings, Qiuxiang knows, Nanbo Wan☆, the floating era of Tao, 258 generals, crazy book god Confucianism, book friend 151121122102954, good times are like dreams, Wang Qian, strong brother, sangzi12, book friend 130930153430510, Wenyu, read あ思思, boss sheep sheep sheep, Liu Fengling, reckless, lone wolf love, bgv808, love is a fish , Zuo Tao 123456, generous rewards from 30 brothers
Thank you for all subscriptions, tips, and votes. friend.
You are the reason why I persist.
Not only the “big creditors” Yao Shuqin and Tian Guizhong are concerned about the income of Wang Bo’s family, but at another table not far from the two of them, Jiang Mei’s husband Zhang Xiaojun is also making calculations with excitement on his face.
“Meimei, have you really collected more than two hundred yuan this morning?” Zhang Xiaojun asked Jiang Mei, who was sitting opposite, with gleaming eyes. Sitting next to him was his mother Xie Decui. At this time, Xie Decui, after hearing what her daughter-in-law said about her income, was also