ng Bo stood there, watching Jiang Mei’s back gradually disappearing, and suddenly there was a strong sense of loss in his heart, an indescribable sadness, just like the darkness of the night. He put his hand into his trouser bag and felt something inside. When he took it out, he found that it was the green cloth bag that Jiang Mei had tried so hard to steal to save her family and satisfy her husband. Wang Bo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly ran forward, quickly rushing to Jiang Mei who was almost approaching the door of the house. “Wait a minute.” He took Jiang Mei with his hand and put the cloth bag in her hand. “Leave this to him. Although you may not be able to make a lot of money by opening a rice noodle shop, if you run it well, It’s enough to find a little money. But the business of making snacks is not much easier than selling ducks. A layman may not know the sadness and hardship of an insider. If you encounter any difficulties in the future or have any difficulties in life, come here Find me.” Jiang Mei stood there, staring blankly at the young man who came in a hurry and then left in a hurry. He couldn’t even see his face clearly. His hands were familiar and soft. She used needle and thread with her own hands to stitch one stitch at a time. The sewn cloth bag brought her humiliation, shame, and regret, and at the same time allowed her to experience tenderness and happiness that she had never experienced before as a woman. “Wow!” Jiang Mei squatted on the ground and finally couldn’t help crying while hugging her head. After dinner, Zhang Xiaojun and his mother Xie Decui sat in the living room and watched TV as usual. They watched until 8:30. When Xie Decui saw that his daughter-in-law Jiang Mei hadn’t come back yet, she said to Zhang Xiaojun: “Jiang Xiaojun, how come Mei Mei is still here?” Not back? Why don’t you ride a motorcycle to pick her up?” Jiang Mei usually gets off work at seven o’clock, has dinner at the rice noodle shop, leaves at seven-thirty, and comes back at eight o’clock at most. Zhang Xiaojun was watching a TV series called “Kangxi’s Private Interview” broadcast on Sifang Channel. He was watching it enthusiastically and said impatiently: “Is there anything I can pick up? It’s not like she doesn’t have legs!” Sifang Channel often loves When broadcasting some popular dramas, of course it is not the first broadcast, nor even the second broadcast. It is usually the “third broadcast” or “fourth broadcast” that can only be played after the national TV station or provincial station has finished broadcasting. “Pot lids” that can receive satellite signals are not yet popular in rural areas. The TV in Zhang Xiaojun’s living room can only watch TV programs from several surrounding counties and cities. As a local station, Sifang Channel has the best signal. In addition, it likes to buy some outdated hit dramas to broadcast, so it is Zhang Xiaojun’s favorite TV station to watch. However, what is a bit annoying is that there are too many bad advertisements, and it only lasts for about ten minutes.

//ng Bo stood there, watching Jiang Mei’s back gradually disappearing, and suddenly there was a strong sense of loss in his heart, an indescribable sadness, just like the darkness of the night. He put his hand into his trouser bag and felt something inside. When he took it out, he found that it was the green cloth bag that Jiang Mei had tried so hard to steal to save her family and satisfy her husband. Wang Bo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly ran forward, quickly rushing to Jiang Mei who was almost approaching the door of the house. “Wait a minute.” He took Jiang Mei with his hand and put the cloth bag in her hand. “Leave this to him. Although you may not be able to make a lot of money by opening a rice noodle shop, if you run it well, It’s enough to find a little money. But the business of making snacks is not much easier than selling ducks. A layman may not know the sadness and hardship of an insider. If you encounter any difficulties in the future or have any difficulties in life, come here Find me.” Jiang Mei stood there, staring blankly at the young man who came in a hurry and then left in a hurry. He couldn’t even see his face clearly. His hands were familiar and soft. She used needle and thread with her own hands to stitch one stitch at a time. The sewn cloth bag brought her humiliation, shame, and regret, and at the same time allowed her to experience tenderness and happiness that she had never experienced before as a woman. “Wow!” Jiang Mei squatted on the ground and finally couldn’t help crying while hugging her head. After dinner, Zhang Xiaojun and his mother Xie Decui sat in the living room and watched TV as usual. They watched until 8:30. When Xie Decui saw that his daughter-in-law Jiang Mei hadn’t come back yet, she said to Zhang Xiaojun: “Jiang Xiaojun, how come Mei Mei is still here?” Not back? Why don’t you ride a motorcycle to pick her up?” Jiang Mei usually gets off work at seven o’clock, has dinner at the rice noodle shop, leaves at seven-thirty, and comes back at eight o’clock at most. Zhang Xiaojun was watching a TV series called “Kangxi’s Private Interview” broadcast on Sifang Channel. He was watching it enthusiastically and said impatiently: “Is there anything I can pick up? It’s not like she doesn’t have legs!” Sifang Channel often loves When broadcasting some popular dramas, of course it is not the first broadcast, nor even the second broadcast. It is usually the “third broadcast” or “fourth broadcast” that can only be played after the national TV station or provincial station has finished broadcasting. “Pot lids” that can receive satellite signals are not yet popular in rural areas. The TV in Zhang Xiaojun’s living room can only watch TV programs from several surrounding counties and cities. As a local station, Sifang Channel has the best signal. In addition, it likes to buy some outdated hit dramas to broadcast, so it is Zhang Xiaojun’s favorite TV station to watch. However, what is a bit annoying is that there are too many bad advertisements, and it only lasts for about ten minutes.