to kick him. Ji Su stared at Wen Liang quietly, with a soft smile on his face. To her, he was so funny at this time, he looked more like a sixteen-year-old boy, and he was easier to touch and get close to. And Meng Ke has been turning into a crazy fan lately. He raised his hands with a smile, ready to applaud.

to kick him. Ji Su stared at Wen Liang quietly, with a soft smile on his face. To her, he was so funny at this time, he looked more like a sixteen-year-old boy, and he was easier to touch and get close to. And Meng Ke has been turning into a crazy fan lately. He raised his hands with a smile, ready to applaud.
Where is Xu Yao? Xu Yao was naturally different from anyone else. She picked up the chopsticks on the table and at the same time motioned for others to do the same. She said with a sweet smile: “Hit him!”
Following the sound of laughter and laughter, an overwhelming number of chopsticks came towards her. How gentle and considerate she was. With his skills, his feet were two feet and seven inches apart, his energy was deep in his Dantian, his waist sank, and he slid under the table in a few tenths of a second. He was stunned to remain unharmed in such a powerful AOE skill, and he was extremely coquettish and sharp.
With Xu Yao’s introduction, the atmosphere in the room immediately became lively. Ren Yi shouted: “You can’t learn from anyone but leadership. I really think there is no Chen Sheng or Wu Guang in the world!”
/Zhang Song and others followed suit, and a bunch of bitches started shouting. Shouted:
“That’s right, I hate listening to the leader’s speech. If he repeats those few sentences over and over, the stray dogs in the cafeteria will memorize them!”
“Jiang Tao, don’t mention it. That dog in the cafeteria is really a leader.”
“What do you say? ”
It’s bald!”
Liu Zhihe was sitting next to Wen Liang. He was hit by two chopsticks in the corner of his mouth just now. The pain made him twitch. However, Xu Yao was the one responsible for this, so it was not easy for him to have a seizure. He laughed twice. Wen Liang jumped out from under the table and said angrily: “If you dare to be disrespectful to the leader, I will wear your shoes together during rehearsal!”
Facts have proved that the only consequence of the leader intimidating all his subordinates is to be blackmailed, so Wen Liang reluctantly accepted the pain. It took a big meal to finally calm down the anger. But joking aside, when Wen Liang announced that the next few days might be difficult, everyone did not hesitate and promised to rehearse on time and prepare actively. Winning glory for the No. 1 Middle School was the second most important thing. The key was to step on the No. 19 Middle School. Humiliated at your feet.
Everyone was stunned, and Liu Zhihe said angrily: “Who came up with such an incompetent idea? What should I do with my bet?”
Wen Liang was embarrassed to admit that he was the incompetent person, and when he was about to fool him, Ning Xiaoning coldly Said: “Cold salad!”
/Liu Zhihe shrank his neck, coughed dryly, and never mentioned the betting market again. The so-called “one thing brings down another thing” is also something that can’t be helped.
Before class in the afternoon, Wen Liang went to the Political and Education Office to find Hua Xieqie. Hua Xieqie heard what he said and immediately found the