Then the local construction workers were called, and the head of the small house who came said tremblingly that the surrounding land is adjacent to Xuantian Temple, and we cannot sell it casually, and the Taoist priest in the temple will not agree.

Then the local construction workers were called, and the head of the small house who came said tremblingly that the surrounding land is adjacent to Xuantian Temple, and we cannot sell it casually, and the Taoist priest in the temple will not agree.
Outside Xuantian Temple, especially the place where the King of England is stationed, it is really not a temple property, but the land in this kind of place is used to isolate the common people, and it is not convenient to sell it. Taoist temples emphasize purity, and the surrounding area is really not suitable. There are residential buildings.
The King of England was choked. At this time, it was impossible for him to offend Xuantianguan. That would be great. If the land is not bought, we will just build a house to live in. It will be treated as an illegal construction.
/Du Jingjing came forward directly. Let’s do this. The Du family bought this land. After building the house, it will be given to Xuantian Guan. In the future, when people from my Du family come to the Guanli, they will recognize this favor and take care of the food and accommodation. .
This kind of thing is also common. In fact, strictly speaking, this is how the Shifang Jungle developed. The people who built the temple were just for good luck or convenience and were not responsible for management.
However, the Du family can do this kind of thing, but the King of England cannot. If the king is related to the Taoist palace, it is asking for death.
That is to say, Prince Xiang is a good guy who dares to invite people from the Zisun Temple to celebrate his daughter’s marriage. Other princes and princes, even if they make friends with the Zisun Temple, they have to hide it – although everyone knows this. If you are doing it, it is really not good to spread it.
As for the fact that the prince and the prince are connected to the jungles of ten directions and even the four palaces, it will definitely be fatal if word spreads.
The nine daughters of the King of England entered Xuannv Palace. It was because Zhao Xinxin was attracted by the Taoist Palace, and the King of England had much less responsibility.
Anyway, the King of England wanted to buy this land to build a house and then give it to Xuantian Temple, which was very inappropriate.
/It would be much easier for the Du family to do it. The hidden family is not bound by the world, and it is common to associate with the Taoist palace. How big a deal is it to give away some real estate?
Du Jingjing seizes this opportunity, and whether she seizes it well or not, not only can her family expand its influence northward, but the King of Ying and Xuantian Guan will also appreciate it.
The King of England naturally agreed, so he grabbed the people who were building the houses. Did you hear that? Sell ??the land quickly!
The builders did not dare not agree, but they said that the land sale was not ours to decide.
This is the outskirts of the city, not the city. If you want to sell the land, you need the support of the local government – among ot