his whole person and even his soul had been seen through by Fan Zhen. In front of Fan Zhen, he It’s like being a transparent person. There is no privacy at all.

his whole person and even his soul had been seen through by Fan Zhen. In front of Fan Zhen, he It’s like being a transparent person. There is no privacy at all.
Later, Fan Zhen told me that he was actually telling Qian Yelong indirectly, because everything he said to me would eventually be conveyed to Qian Yelong. Now that Qian Yelong himself was present, there was no need for me to go through the conversation again. Fan Zhen said: “We have to find some people to go down into the well as soon as possible to see what is going on, and then we can decide what to do next.”
Before the secret is leaked, find someone to go down. There is no problem in looking down the well, because everyone only thinks that it is a simple well and has no way of knowing how terrible it is.
After Qian Yelong heard this, he said solemnly: “I’ll make arrangements right away.”
/After Qian Yelong left, Fan Zhencai suddenly looked at me and asked, “What do you think?”
I naturally knew that Fan Zhen was talking about finding someone. Regarding going down to the well to explore, I said: “This is the only way at the moment, but I have seen how terrible this well is. Will something bad happen? Don’t waste innocent lives by then.”
The more I get used to death. The more I am afraid of death, this is all my thoughts now. This kind of thought of mine may prevent me from doing some bold things many times, but I really can’t watch some innocent people die.
Fan Zhen said: “Sometimes sacrifice is necessary. Without sacrifice, there will be no progress, so you cannot have your cake and eat it too. You must understand this truth. If one day you really face such a choice, You can make decisive judgments instead of hesitating like you are now, because if you are blind and refuse to sacrifice, more people will pay their lives for it in the future.” Yathosheba.
I knew this was Fan Zhen teaching me in disguise, and I said, “I understand.”
After that, Fan Zhen found three people to go down, and then found some ropes and lighting equipment. And there is no telling how deep the well is. There may be a lack of oxygen underground, so some temporary oxygen masks were also brought. To prevent symptoms of hypoxia and accidents after going down. It can be said that Qian Yelong is relatively thorough in his work. After all, he is following the minister and Mr. Yin. He does not have such a thorough ability to do things, and it is impossible to gain their trust.
This wellhead can only allow one person to go down at a time, so the three of them took turns going down, with a depth of about three or four meters apart, so that they could take care of each other. In fact, I also wanted to go down to see what was going on. But considering that my physique may not be able to bear it, after all, I am not from a police academy, and some of the training is not very good. My physical fitness may not be as flexible as these soldiers. Even if they encounter some changes, they can still test some basics in training. Come and turn danger into safety.
And in order to know