are more anxious than the other. They don’t want to go home with a child in their belly. When and where to get the injection, I will wait for you to come back and make the decision.”

are more anxious than the other. They don’t want to go home with a child in their belly. When and where to get the injection, I will wait for you to come back and make the decision.”
Being the chairman of the Women’s Federation has advantages in women’s work, Chairman Xu Without further ado, let me introduce the situation here.
Han Bo raised his hand to greet stationmaster Zhu and whispered: “Director Zhou has arranged the delivery. Those who want to return home can take the child back at any time as long as they do a good job with the relatives here. Abortion involves rape. It is not appropriate to collect evidence at the township health center. I will report it to the bureau and arrange a time to send them to the County People’s Hospital for surgery.” ”
Okay, I’ll wait for your news.”
After talking about business, he walked out with An Xiaoyong. At the door, Mi Jinlong followed silently, holding the car door and said: “Mr. Han, Gu Xingui’s wife and two children are here. They arrived yesterday afternoon. They came to the police office in the morning. They should be in Gu Er now.” Get married.”
“I don’t have much education. It’s not easy to find here after traveling thousands of miles with two children.”
“Yes, I traveled thousands of miles to find my husband and visited the prison. Many people sympathized. Secretary Lu knew about it and personally called the village and Xiaogao to tell him If she is willing to stay, let us handle special matters and help the three of them transfer their household registration.”
How could Han Bo not understand the implication of his words and asked with a smile: “Is she willing to stay?”
“Yes, she is. She said she was willing to wait for Gu Xingui to come out and help Gu Xingui support the elderly. In fact, the conditions here are better than her hometown. Gu Ercheng and his wife are in good health. They will have no problem working for another ten years. Gu Xinjun, Gu Xinbing and Gu Xinfang are brothers and sisters. I won’t just sit back and do nothing, and I can definitely help her raise her two children.” There must
be a reason for the transfer of household registration, and there is no doubt that marriage is a prerequisite.
Han Bo smiled and said lightly: “I reported to the bureau leaders today. The bureau leaders believe that their situation is special. They have lived together for five or six years, formed a family, and raised children together. It is not a marriage between prisoners, but a de facto marriage. , agreed to apply for a new marriage certificate.”
This matter is not a big deal, but a small matter.
If you don’t fight hard and help with the work, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau will not agree.
“The law is nothing more than human relationships. It’s no trouble. By the way, I’ll go back to the police office for dinner later. I have something to announce.” ”
Okay, I’ll make arrangements and go back right away.”
/Back to the unit, summoned Work continues.
/The news brought back by Zhou Zhengfa, Chairman Xu, Dr. Wu and Teacher Chen