e County Public Security Bureau. The host and guest had a great time, and the atmosphere was very warm. Those who had business cards exchanged business cards, and those who didn’t left their phone numbers. If you have anything to do, call them in the future, and keep in touch if you have nothing to do.

e County Public Security Bureau. The host and guest had a great time, and the atmosphere was very warm. Those who had business cards exchanged business cards, and those who didn’t left their phone numbers. If you have anything to do, call them in the future, and keep in touch if you have nothing to do.
The chief of staff of the city bureau often asked him to leave it alone, and the same was true for the military division.
What was his rank and what qualifications did he have to entertain? Han Bo was not polite, escorted Gu Xingui, and embarked on the journey home in the Cherokee of the military division.
Li Xiaolei was close at hand, and when she was approaching Jinmen, she finally couldn’t help it and called on her newly purchased pager.
There are public phones in small shops in alleys, and IC phones further away.
The aunt who runs the store has pointed ears and a big mouth. When you go to her place to answer the phone, you have to be careful and talk as if you are talking to an underground party.
Li Xiaolei didn’t want to make a lot of gossip, so she ran to the public phone booth on the side of the road, inserted her card and dialed 139 Global Telecom, beeped twice, and hung up in a tacit understanding. The two-way charge is the same as when he picks up the phone and makes a call.
“Honey, did you just get off work?”
Although this kind of name in Hong Kong movies is quite disgusting, it sounds very friendly. You can’t say it when we are together, but it is no problem on the phone.
“I just got home and I was helping to pick vegetables. Today is my dad’s birthday (not an integer birthday). My sister and brother-in-law are coming over for dinner tonight.” Li Xiaolei raised her arm to wipe off the sweat, panting.
“I can’t go to my dad’s birthday. Please help me prepare some gifts.”
It’s really shameless for our dad to show up. Li Xiaolei chuckled and said, “Okay, I’ll buy two bottles of good wine and tell him that this is your second son-in-law’s tribute to you. He is busy with work and really can’t come. He asked me to wish you happiness like the East Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains.”
/“Honey, actually, I’m actually quite close to you.”
After briefly introducing the situation here, Li Xiaolei was so angry that she gritted her teeth: “If you don’t say hello to me when you come, it doesn’t matter if you call me when you leave. Do you think you, Dayu, have committed three crimes? Not entering the house? Please, can you leave tomorrow? I will take a taxi now. It will take two hours at most. It will be quick.”
Han Bo stared at Gu Xingui who was escorted to the toilet, and explained with a wry smile: “Don’t be angry, I It’s not that I don’t want to say hello to you, let alone see you, it’s just that I really can’t get away. When you come, you have to arrest the person, and when the person is caught, you have to escort him back safely. You can’t abandon the suspect to have a private meeting with you.”
Li Xiaolei pouted . He muttered with his small mouth: “A good cadre like Jiao Y